Integration Instructions

RST Cloud is a comprehensive and reliable source of information on cyber threats. Our threat intelligence engine gathers data from a variety of sources, normalises it, filters out irrelevant information, enriches it with additional context, and assigns a threat score to each data point. This process allows our customers to quickly and easily access the most relevant and accurate information regarding potential cyber threats.

Our threat intelligence data is available through an API, STIX/TAXII and other industrial standards and includes numerous pre-built integrations with popular Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR), Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW), and Threat Intelligence Platform (TIP) systems. This makes it easy for our customers to seamlessly incorporate our threat data into their existing security infrastructure and workflows.

The table below shows the list of supported integrations based on the target product. If your platform isn't listed, please reach out to us. We support various industry standards and can develop any integration you need.